I'm reading Life of Pi right now (or was until I left it at the surf contest the other day). Although the first 50 pages seem to be a bit boring, and just a long defense of zoos, it did provide me with some good information about sloths, most of which I forgot and therefore couldn't provide to Scott when we came across this three toed sloth crossing the street between here and the highway. I grabbed my iPhone and shot a few pics as he crawled to and then up a barbed wire fence lining the road (he quickly realized that the post was rather uninteresting, and then decided to descend and find another lookout). (Quickly was not the right word to use in that last parenthetical statement). Here are a couple pics that I thought were freaking awesome. I've seen a few sloths down here, even one pretty close, but nothing like this.
For those of you that haven't seen one on the move, it's absolutely nothing like watching a giraffe run. That's all I got. It's also nothing like eating ice cream, which is delicious.
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