In a McDonalds. In Bogota. On Calle 116 and Carrera 19, or so. Free wifi. So I bought a water.
I just walked back from Nina's house, where I had a nice little dinner and a beer as I chatted with Nina, her niece Yolanda, and Yolanda's daughter Jen. All part of Ozzie's family. It was nice to have some typical Colombian food, which I have been seriously lacking since I have been here. It was nice to meet some new people, see Nina's place, and talk with Jen, who is about to start her second year of college. It felt like family.
I decided today not to accept the job here in Colombia. In the end, screw all the signs or coincidences. It doesn't feel right for me. I think the reason is mostly that La Mesa could be a small town in America. Sure, the culture and climate may change, as it does throughout the states, but it's really just a small town an hour away from a huge city. I like all the small towns throughout the hills; I like the idea of meeting new people and being involved in new communities; I like the idea of working with Trevor and helping take something very small into something less small. But in the end, I think my life here would be work. I may get the opportunity to travel from time to time, perhaps to Ecuador or Peru, but I think my life while I worked would lack growth in any manner other than in a career. Living and working in Colombia sounds freaking cool, but I don't think it's that much different from living and working in the Poconos, minus nice lakes and tourists.
So, tomorrow I am going to go to the airport. I got a falsified yellow fever document, but it wasn't filled out correctly, so I am going to have to change my flight. I have two wonderful friends in Costa that I would love to travel around with for the next week, but I also love this opportunity to cruise around Colombia for a couple of weeks and see what's up here. Mom, don't be surprised if I call asking for more than five bucks next time...
Overall, I'm a little excited about where tomorrow will take me. I keep thinking I should be getting nervous about not having a job lined up, but I'm just not. I'm actually pretty emotionless these days. I don't suppose that will last for too long. It's quite calming right now, but honestly a bit boring. I loved the sadness I felt with Pepper left, and I look forward to being a little nervous during my travels here in Colombia. I'm still not sure how long I will delay my flight back to Costa. Think 2 weeks is enough? I guess I'm planning on cruising up to Medellin, then to the Caribbean coast, up to Cartagena, then down to some cool colonial town, then back to Bogota. It will be in the range of 50 hours in a bus over the next however long, which is a lot. Maybe I can find a bookstore.
I may not be able to blog much over the next while, but I'll connect when I can.
As a good lawyer friend of mine in Boston used to say, "Onward and Upward."
Not sure what that meant.
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