Still in Costa. Actually at the bar again. No more internet at the house where I was staying, so I have to sign in here or at the Soda.
I just got out of the waves on a pretty small and disorganized day. I have hardly been surfing at all lately. I figured I'd ONLY be surfing these days. Surfing and laying in hammocks, perhaps reading. But instead I am socializing. I'm out and about. I'm drinking and playing. And I'm feeling crappy.
I think I feel I've alienated myself. I feel like I have been someone else, or maybe myself, over the past few weeks and generally have been unlikable. I don't feel likable. I don't really like myself right now. Well, really I just haven't liked myself lately. Now I'm pretty cool with myself. Strange. Not sure what that's all about.
I think I'm falling back into old patterns, old habits, my old self. Even the way I put that, though, seems pretty judgmental. I haven't been very easy on myself, I've certainly been taking life too seriously, and I've been viewing myself through other people's eyes, feeding my ego instead of cultivating my self. I think it's about time to stop that. But it's hard! It's hard to stay here in Oeste instead of going to Hermosa and meeting up with friends or meet new people who are there now for the world championship of surfing.
Perhaps I am just uncomfortable. I've found it actually pretty difficult to just be for a little bit. I feel uneasy just hanging out, as if there is some sort of time constraint on life and I am not accomplishing what I should be in the amount of time given.
So, combine that with me basically being a dick lately, and I guess I feel guilty. I feel ashamed. I feel very not me. I'm going to stop doing that. I'm not okay with it.
On some good news... I have a lot of options these days. Trevor and Sarah came down to visit for a day or two. Trevor has offered me a job in Colombia, which immediately sounds attractive because, well, it's in Colombia. Which is where I was born. The job is in telecommunications, which is perfect for me, because I learned a lot about telecommunications while I was studying to become an astronaut after receiving my license in brain surgery a decade or two ago. But, it would have me living in the mountains. Not at the beach. And I love the beach. So does Jake. But Colombia does start with a C. And C is good enough for me. Plus, I would make more money. And with that money, I could avoid having to sell my leg for smack.
I've got some things working here too, which seem ideal. But still want to take a month off and travel. I think I'll buy a car (I'll have to sell my leg for that too) so Jake can come with me. Of course, then we'll only have one leg left to sell for food (or smack).
So, I'm going to eat some chicken wings and do some jumping jacks. That should be helpful. Oh, by the way, I wasn't born in Colombia. But my passport says I was. That leads to some fun sometimes on borders.